Terry Fox Run 2023

This year marks the 43rd anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! We are getting ready to have our DDS Terry Fox Run on September 28th! We are hoping to break last year's fundraising record. Last year we raised $1, 081.51! This year we are looking to raise$1, 200.00 for the Terry Fox Foundation! IF this happens, we will be "PIE-ING" the staff in the face again, as well, the 3 students in the school who bring in the MOST money getting the opportunity to TRY AND DUNK a teacher of their choice in a dunk tank! Come on DDS, let's see how much money we can raise for the Terry Fox Foundation!If you would like to donate online or someone you know would like to donate please click this link. This link will allow your donation to be linked to DDS! Terry Fox Donate